
By Elizabeth Guest March 9, 2020
Multiple Sclerosis is not contagious or directly inherited. For more information regarding the symptoms, click the link below.
By Elizabeth Guest February 19, 2020
We have a few select properties that are perfect for student housing. Some are furnished, some are not, but all are great properties for continuing your education and making memories for a lifetime. Call the office today to see which properties best fit your needs.
By Elizabeth Guest February 3, 2020
If you are like most people, you have a family member or know someone that has been affected by heart disease. It is imperative to learn everything that you can about heart disease, especially is if runs in your family. Sometimes, simply changing your eating habits can make a huge difference. Here at Stevens Asset, we encourage you to find a local event to get involved in. There are usually "Heart Walks", 5k's or other charity events to raise awareness and money for research! Get involved in your community today!!
By Elizabeth Guest January 20, 2020
Stevens Asset Management Emergency Planning Checklist Put together an emergency preparedness kit with these supplies in case of a prolonged or widespread power outage: Water, Non-Perishable foods, flashlights, battery-powered radio, extra batteries, a first aid kit, medications and medical supplies, multi purpose tool, personal hygiene items, copies of personal documents-including medication list, deed to home, birth certificates, etc., cell phones with chargers, family emergency contact information and extra cash. Keep food as safe as possible . Keep refrigerator and freezer doors closed as much as possible. First use perishable food from the refrigerator, an unopened refrigerator will keep foods cold for about 4 hours. Food in the freezer will keep the temperature for about 48 hours (24 hours if half full) if the door remains closed. Prepare a cooler with ice for your freezer items if the power will continue beyond a day. Electrical Equipment Safety Turn off and unplug all unnecessary electrical equipment including electronics. Turn off or disconnect any appliances, equipment or electronics that you were using when the power went out. When the power comes back on, the power surge can damage equipment. Leave one light on so you'll know when the power is back on Generator Safety When using a portable generator, connect the equipment you want to power directly to the generator, do not connect the portable generator to a home's electrical system. Seek advice from a professional concerning purchasing a generator. Make sure the generator is rated for the power that you think you will need as well as having a good supply of gasoline or batteries to power the generator. Carbon Monoxide Caution Never use a generator, grill, camp stove or other gasoline, propane, natural gas or charcoal-burning devices inside a home, garage, basement or any other enclosed area. Install carbon monoxide alarms in central locations on every level of your home and outside sleeping areas to provide early detection or carbon monoxide accumulation. For Prolonged Disaster Have plenty of canned goods, soup, crackers, trail mix, protein/breakfast bars, dried fruit, Ensure/other non-refrigerated organic milk. Also keep a manual can opener, pocket knife, sterno (for cooking), water purification system/tablets, empty jugs, pots/pans, hand sanitizer, lanterns, matches/fire starter, headlamp, sleeping bags, hand warmers, blankets, duct tape, work gloves, portable radio, books, cards, games and other items to stay occupied or informed.
By Elizabeth Guest January 15, 2020
Be a HERO today! Since January is Blood Donor Month, we are teaming up with the LA Blood Center to have a blood drive in the Bossier area, near our office. We will have more details to come, but as of right now, the date is Monday, January 20, from 1:30-4:30. The blood drive bus will be parked in the old Chinaberry parking lot. Be sure to set aside time to come in and donate. The Shreveport/Bossier area is at a critical stage, with record low donations. Bring your cape and come be a HERO!!
By Elizabeth Guest January 6, 2020
This month is Alzheimer's Awareness Month and we encourage you to get involved in the events in our area. There are several people in nursing homes around the Shreveport/Bossier area that are suffering from this horribly debilitating disease. No child wants to watch their parents go through this or not remember who they are. There have been so many advances on the drugs and therapy for this disease and yet it is still one of the top ten causes of death that can be slowed, prevented or cured, but people don't know the signs to look for. Research it today and make sure that you or a loved one is not affected by it and seek professional medical help if you think you may need help. We don't want our parents to forget us, to lose motor function, so do your part now to find out what you can do! You can also donate as well to the research! Click the link below for more information.
By Elizabeth Guest December 30, 2019
We want to wish each and every one of you a Very Happy New Year! The New Year is a time to reflect on things which you could change and I pray that each and every person that reads this post will bring in the New Year with a NEW VIEW on LIFE! We thank you all for your support and service. Happy New Years from Stevens Asset Management!
By Elizabeth Guest December 26, 2019
We want to wish you a very Merry Christmas! We are honored to serve the Shreveport/Bossier and surrounding areas and look forward to the coming year. We pray blessings upon your family and hope your Christmas is filled with laughter, family and memories, but most of all, love. Stevens Asset Management
By Elizabeth Guest December 3, 2019
FALL/WINTER MAINTENANCE CHECKLIST INTERIOR Make sure furnace is lit and working properly. Replace filters as needed. Winterize exterior faucets and sprinkler systems, wrapping pipes as needed. Check window and door seals for any leaks. Inspect roof and clean out gutters. Check insulation in attic and basement, adding insulation as needed. Check snow and ice removal tools for condition, replacing as needed. Have fireplace and chimney cleaned, making sure flume is properly ventilated. EXTERIOR Fertilize grass and mulch beds. Check your dryer vent hose for any blockage, clearing as needed. Trim flowers, plants and trees. Replace batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, performing a test to ensure operation. Check the water drainage in your yard. Clean out air ducts. Mow your leaves instead of raking them to provide nourishment for your lawn over the winter.
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